Sunday, November 17, 2013

Scripture & Style

Alright, before I get to blogging my heart away I want to explain why I have decided to start a blog in the first place, and the reason behind the odd name "Embellished Utility". At first glance I can understand how the name could throw anyone off, but I promise, I can explain! 
           As a struggling Christian girl trying to live in this crazy world but also trying to influence it, this blog will be sort of a venting place for me that hopefully some of y'all can relate to. Pleasing The Lord with my every action is above all other priorities in my life, and I hope that motive is revealed within this blog. This is the "Utility" part of the name. The definition of utility is "the state of being useful, profitable, or beneficial" This is exactly what the Gospel is, and recognizing that is very important! Now to explain embellishment... okay, you caught me. Like any other girl, I love clothes. I love dressing up and I love feeling confident in what I wear each day. little embellishments (or little decorative details added to someting to make it more attractive) in life are always a good thing! But you know what I hate? I hate how so many blogs, advertisements, and celebrities out there make us regular, middle class girls think that we have to go bankrupt in order to be stylish at all. Guess what ladies? It’s all a hoax! Dressing nice and feeling embellished can be done on a budget, and I’m here to prove it with some of my own awesome (and cheap) outfit finds. So not only will I be writing a "Utility" post every-now-and-then about something that The Lord has revealed to me, or some scripture that has touched my heart in a special way, but I will share some "Embellishment" posts also, with my favorite outfits and stylish, affordable clothing finds along the way! But please bear with me, I’m new to this whole blogging thing! Enjoy and don't forget to tune in tomorrow for my first official Embellishment post!

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