Monday, January 20, 2014

Though I am small, I can see.

Last night I hiked with a friend of mine up a mountain to watch the sunset. I always underestimate the effect a sunset can have on me. With the view, the colors, and the crystal clear sky, we could see for miles. 
The beauty took my breath away, and as I scanned the horizon I couldn't help but to feel so small. God is bigger than these mountains, and he is more infanite than this sky. God reveals himself through His creation, and there's no doubt about it. Just as an artist signs his name at the bottom of his painting, so does God. 

It's always been hard for me to comprehend God, and I find myself struggling in my faith simply because I don't know enough about him to fully believe. But when you really stop and look, I promise, you can see him. 
I can see my creator in all that he has created, I just have to take a second to look. 

So I challenge anyone who is reading this, myself included, to every single day take time to look for God. If we seek him we will, without a doubt, find him. 
               "Your great love reaches to the skies, your truth to the clouds. God, you are supreme above the the skies. Let your glory be over all the earth."

His great love and glory shines through the earth because it is His creation. Look up at the sky today and see your God. He's always revealing himself.